
Hi, I'm Van!

I’m a Vietnamese-Ukrainian digital designer based in Shanghai.
Focused on UX&UI design.

Get in touch with me on:

If you have me describe myself in 3 words, they would be:
Versatile, Self-Aware, Curious


in Vietnam
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in Ukraine
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in China
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What are these numbers you might wonder…

These are the amount of time I’ve spent in the last 30+ years at the places that have shaped who I am today. I grew up in Vietnam and Ukraine, which exposed me to the richness of two distinct cultures.

As I embarked on my studies and career in Shanghai, China, I found myself in a vibrant and international environment. I love the internationalism of Shanghai while very much appreciate the traditional aspects of Chinese culture.

This blend of experiences has formed the bedrock of my ability to adapt and stay versatile in different settings. It has also fueled my fascination with different cultures, traditions, societies and the ever-evolving nature of our world.


Dissect & Resolve

Why Self-aware?

When I chose to major in Animation at the age of 18, I faced not only my parents’ concerns about an “unstable future” but also my own shortcomings in art and Chinese language skills.

At that time, I had little idea about my potential in life. However, I was aware of my weaknesses and strengths. I recognized that my weaknesses could be improved with practice, while having a diverse background helped me gain different perspectives and ideas.

I believe our journey of self-discovery is an ongoing process, one that never truly reaches an end. Through continuous learning and introspection, we pave the way for personal and professional growth, finding joy in the exploration of our own potential.


Open That Box

When curiosity does not kill the kitty…

As children, we were endlessly curious about the world around us. However, as we grow older, we sometimes become afraid to ask questions and explore new things, fearing judgment or failure.

Over time, I realized the importance of asking questions, even when they seemed simple, and taking action to find answers when curiosity struck. This attitude not only improved my self-growth but also allowed me to establish connections with helpful people.

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.”

– Albert Einstein

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